Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Prayer Requests

I just found out this afternoon that one of my CaringBridge babies passed away. Her name is Caylyn Bachman. She was my little six year old that had lukemia. Please remember her parents, Cathy and Tully and her brother, Evan. Barb Berg is still very very critical also so, please remember her and husband, Jim. Please pray for all of my CB buddies who are suffering. They are very special to me.

I almost hesitate to ask this, because my health issues are nothing, compared to others who are suffering but, please remember me too. I went to my doctor for my check-up and she has put me on bedrest, NO activities, for two weeks. I still plan to sing on Sunday. She was very concerned because of my B/P. Also, my thyroid is over-active this time, which can cause an increase in my heart rate and B/P. There is a little matter of stress too. I can't imagine why?? I go back in two weeks to see how the additional meds and med changes are helping.

I took Mama to her cardiologist on Monday. He was pleased with everything but her heart rhythm. He wants to check her again in a month. He wants her to be a little stronger before he makes the decision or not to shoch her heart back into a normal rhythm. She's doing great with her P/T so, please continue to remember her. She's fussing so, she is better!!

Thanks. I love you all.

1 comment:

jkstrib said...

I have been praying for you. Hope you are doing better. I am glad to hear you are going to sing Sunday! Take it easy this weekend!
