Saturday, December 8, 2007

Grandma Got Run Over....

While driving through traffic at West Gate. Ronnie and I were driving to Sears yesterday afternoon to pick up a couple of gifts. You know how I am in traffic anyway but, thankfully the doctor increased by B/P meds and I'm a little more mellow. Gene, you would have been so proud. Anyway, we're coming on to 29 from I-26 and this dear sweet young lady begins blowing the horn! Did I mention we were listening to our Christmas CD? Anyway, she's blowing the horn and swerving in and out of traffic like the poor misguided, no-driving person that she is. We proceed up 29 to the double turning lanes going toward the mall and for some unknown reason, we have several wonderful people who are blocking one of the turning lanes trying to get into the other turning lane! I'm thinking to myself, "Do they not realize that both lanes are going the same way? Anyway, we go around these wonderful, misguided, no-driving people and, someone else starts blowing the horn, yelling out of the window and flipping people off. Normally, without increased meds, this would be me, however I was very calm. I did turn off the Christmas CD though, because it's hard to listen and sing about "Peace on earth Goodwill to men" while people all around you are blowing their car horns, screaming out the windows and flipping people off. Where's the Peace and Goodwill? I am feeling a lot better with the increased B/P meds but my pressure is still running a little weird. My breathing however, is another thing(meaning not so good) but, I was calm in traffic. I didn't lose my cool and I didn't run over Grandma.

1 comment:

J.E. said...

I am so proud you kept your cool... Guess the peace on Earth and good tidings were riding in your car!!!